Colby Lee Burke Academic Writing Tips,Business,Freelance Writing Tips 5 Tips For Dealing With Author’s Block

5 Tips For Dealing With Author’s Block

Writing can be a challenge in the best of times, but dealing with an author’s block can seem nearly impossible. Ian Leaf says author’s block is a common problem for creative writers, but there are strategies for overcoming it and writing more effectively. Let’s dive in and explore five tips for dealing with author’s block so you can get back to creating beautiful content!

1. Take Breaks

The first tip for dealing with author’s block is to take breaks from your work. When you’re stuck on a particular section or idea, pushing through and trying to force yourself out of the slump can be tempting. However, this often leads to frustration as you spin your wheels without progress. Taking regular breaks throughout your workday gives your mind time to rest and reset so that you’ll be more productive and focused when you come back to your project.

2. Change Up Your Environment

In addition to taking breaks throughout the day, consider changing your environment as well. Working in the same spot daily can become monotonous and lead to decreased creativity. If possible, switch up where you work—go for a walk outside or try working in a different room of your house or even at a coffee shop or library. Changing your environment can help stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas that will help break through writer’s block.

3. Get Organized

Another great way to overcome writer’s block is by getting organized before starting your project. This means having an outline of what needs to be done and any research materials necessary for completing the task at hand. An organized workspace helps keep distractions at bay so that you can focus on the task instead of becoming overwhelmed by clutter or extraneous functions that don’t need immediate attention.

4. Reach Out To Other Writers

Sometimes writer’s block comes from feeling isolated in our writing process—having another person involved can make us feel less alone in our struggles and give us someone else’s perspective on how we could approach our projects differently or even generate new ideas altogether! Consider joining a local writing group or engaging with other writers online via Twitter chats or Facebook groups—you might feel inspired by their stories and advice! 

5. Exercise Your Brain                        

What better way to shake off writer’s block than by exercising? It sounds counterintuitive, but Ian Leaf says sometimes all it takes is getting some fresh air and releasing some endorphins through physical activity like running or yoga before getting back into “writing mode.” Not only does exercise give us energy, but it also helps clear our minds. Hence, we can better think logically about whatever dilemma we face when returning home from our workout session! 

How To Recognize Writer’s Block

Writer’s block can be hard to recognize because it often looks like procrastination or laziness. However, if you’re feeling unmotivated, uninspired, and unproductive when writing—and these feelings last more than a day or two—then it might be time to take a step back and evaluate whether writer’s block is the true culprit. By taking the time to recognize when you’re feeling blocked and following the tips outlined above, you can be sure that your writing projects will come out victorious despite any obstacles!


Writer’s block doesn’t have to be a debilitating problem; with these five tips, you’ll have the tools to tackle authors’ blocks head-on! Taking regular breaks throughout the day while changing your environment, getting organized ahead of time, reaching out to other writers for advice and support, and exercising both physically and mentally will help strengthen your resolve against any obstacles standing between you and success! With these strategies under your belt, nothing will stop you from producing quality content again!

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